What is Neural Therapy?

Neural Therapy is a regulatory and holistic therapy, which acts via the autonomic nervous system, mainly the sympathetic nervous system.

Neural Therapy favors the reactivation of the self-regulatory capacity of the organism.


It involves the injections of a local anesthetic, usually procaine, in small amounts and at low concentration, with the goal of neutralizing the irritations that throughout lifetime affect the tone of the autonomic nervous system.

Which conditions can disturb the tone of the sympathetic nervous system?

The most common are infections, physical trauma, scars, inflammatory processes, emotional trauma, dental procedures, etc.

What does Neural Therapy look for?

The main goal of Neural Therapy is to neutralize, through the injections of procaine into various but very specific areas, those irritative factors that are disturbing the autonomic nervous system tone.

How does Neural Therapy act?

Procaine is a local anesthetic, but the goal of Neural Therapy is not to anesthetize but to interrupt the transmission of a pathological information –pain, inflammation…–, and to reactivate the self-regulatory capacity of the human body.

Are there any contraindications to Neural Therapy?

  • Allergy to procaine is very rare but it would be a contraindication to the therapy. In case of doubt, a test of allergy will be performed by applying a small amount of procaine into the forearm.
  • People taking anticoagulants could receive superficial injections.
  • In case the patient was under a treatment with sulfamides, we would wait until the end of the antibiotic treatment to start with Neural Therapy.

Which are the indications?

Anyone can be treated with Neural Therapy, including pregnant women and children, responding the last ones very fast to Neural Therapy. Application possibilities are wide, being the most common consultation problems: acute and chronic pain, acute and chronic inflammatory diseases, functional diseases, repetitive infectious diseases, anxiety and depression, unexplained infertility, etc.

How is a Neural Therapy session like?

The most important tool in Neural Therapy is Life History. Therefore, during the first part of the session the full medical history will be taken, as well as the current health concern. You will be asked about all infectious, inflammatory, and surgical events, scars, stressing events, physical or emotional trauma, dental procedures, and gynecological history in women. Life History will provide us with the information on WHERE to inject the procaine. After informing the patient about what is Neural Therapy and answering his/her possible doubts and questions, we will proceed with the treatment.

How frequently do Neural Therapy sessions take place?

The frequency of NT sessions varies. Generally, the follow-up will take place monthly or every three weeks. We recommend the patient to observe and write down all physical, emotional, and energetic changes that might occur. This information will be crucial for the next NT session.


Family and Community Medicine



Family and Community Medicine

  • Specialist in Family and Community Medicine, 2005
  • Doctor of Medicine from the University of Bern, 2017
  • Postgraduate in Neural Therapy and Neurofocal Dentistry (EUI Sant Joan de Déu – Universitat de Barcelona) 2004-2005
  • Certificate in Neural Therapy by “Internationale Gesellschaft Neuraltherapie nach Huneke IGNH” en 2009, Germany.
  • Collaborating researcher in the Department of Neural Therapy of the IKOM of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bern, Switzerland, 2009-2016
  • Associate professor of the Neurofocal Neural Therapy Semi-Presencial Master and Dentistry (EUI Sant Joan de Déu – Universitat de Barcelona).
  • Cooperation in Neural Therapy in Nicaragua, Senegal and India.
  • Translation of the book “Terapia Neural según Huneke, Neurofisiología, técnicas de inyección y terapéutica”, Lorenz Fischer, Mexico, 2012”.

Scientific publications